When the Lights Went Out?

On Friday, June 29th, I was laying in bed freshly showered – practically depleted from the activities of the week. My plan was to lie in bed and watch Bill Maher as I drifted off to sleep. Yes--I know it was an action packed Friday night fit for a 27 year old, lol! After chatting it up with KJ for an hour, I hopped onto Twitter one last time. Much to my surprise, I began to see tweets such as “Praying for my folks in Baltimore & DC” and “DMV stay safe.” Completely baffled, I continue to read my timeline until I saw a tweet that said “Thunderstorms with 91 MPH winds headed towards DC & Baltimore.” YIKES!!

Just as my Twitter timeline had predicted, the storms arrived. However not only did they come, those storms showed up and SHOWED OUT! For the first time in my life I was genuinely afraid of the sound of thunder and the strikes of lightening. I asked Jesus to be roof protection and a generator for my house and drifted off to sleep. *Chuckles* When I awoke the next morning, I learned that millions of homes in the area were without electricity. Thankfully, I still had power and the roof was still attached to my house. I guess God heard my prayer, lol!  I went to grab my phone to do my customary morning social media check and noticed that my iPhone was not loading. I grabbed my iPad, and nothing. I turned on my television, nothing. My internet and cable services were out--obviously affected by the storm.

And so it began—what would ultimately be several days without telecommunications services. What in the world was I going to do without Internet access? I NEEDS my Internet!! No, really I do! I own thousands of dollars of Apple products that are useless without Internet. The days continued to pass with no Internet, no cable, and no phone. Every night I would come home and lie in the bed and end up going to sleep early because there was nothing else to do. I could have organized my other bedrooms that are in disarray. I could have hung photos that I have been meaning to hang. But I didn’t do either of those things; I went to sleep. Until last night.

Last night I really thought about what the lesson could be in this. Why did the Universe strip me of these distractions for a few days? What should I be doing instead? It hit me--and just like that…I started it. I started what I had been putting off for months, maybe even years. I am not ready to share this thing yet, but you guys will find out soon, I promise. And I kid you not, within 15 minutes of my starting my delayed task; I heard a familiar sound – an iPad alert! My internet was restored. Then I turned on the television and there was Usher dancing around my screen on VH1Soul. Ha! The Universe is funny. God is funny. I just had to take that step and act.

During your moments, hours or days without electricity or internet, did you stop to think about what you could be doing instead of complaining? Did you play games with your children? Talk with your spouse? Make a plan for the future? Walk/Run a mile? Finish a book? Did you do something? Anything?! Sometimes the Universe has to take drastic measures to get our attention. Last Friday’s storm caused major headaches and uncomfortable situations for many, but maybe it sparked something inside of you. Nature snatched away everyday luxuries that we often take for granted. And I, for one, am glad that when the switch was flipped back on, I wasn’t in the same place that I was 5 days ago. I hope you aren’t either!

Here’s to our new journeys!