Episode 25 - This is America!

New episode is live! This is final episode of Season 1. The podcast will return in September 2017! 

In this episode, Boonie is joined by a host of people who express their anger, frustration, and need for change in America. This episodes focuses on the events that happened in Charlottesville, VA over the weekend and how there is much work to be done in order to truly have progress in America. The conversation is not an easy one, but it is definetely a necessary one. THIS IS AMERICA -- always has been! 

Langston Hughes's Let America Be America Again: https://m.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/let-america-be-america-again  

Communicate with me about the show using the hashtag #TheBoonieBreakdown. Share with others using the hashtag #PodIn.

Have something to say? You can ask your questions, send comments via email to thebooniebreakdown@gmail.com or submit here: www.thebooniebreakdown.com/contact/. They might be featured on the next Ask Boonie episode!

Thanks y'all!
